Lantlos - Wildhund, by John Fisher

“Wildhund” is a German word for wild dog, which of course made me think of Max, who passed in January 2021. I think about him a lot. His last adventure is the main river spot next to the pad, so I have been praying on the tree stump where he laid down, exhausted from the week’s adventures on his last day. Only a day or two before discovering this album had released (been eyeing it for a few months), I had prayed that I would be reunited once again with Max and that I hoped he was enjoying it up there. The album released a few singles ahead of time, including the great opener Lake Fantasy, and upon full release I noticed the 12 songs ALL stand out on their own. The album has a 90s grunge feel with a metal foundation. I had heard the song Dog in the Wild was pretty solid, and on first pass, I noticed musically that the climax was huge. The lyrics at the climax:

“You RUN! Unaware of your bliss. You’re FREE! Free without knowing. I wish! I could be with you! In the wilderness! And run with you too!


Miss ya Max!

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